Home Sales Is Your Website Costing You Sales? 5 Signs It Needs an Update 

Is Your Website Costing You Sales? 5 Signs It Needs an Update 

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In today’s digital age, your website is your storefront. But a dated website can drive customers away faster than you can say “conversion rate.” 

Here are 5 signs it’s time for a refresh, along with some eye-opening stats to consider:

1. Mobile Malaise (Stat: 54.8% of global web traffic comes from mobile devices – Statcounter, October 2024) Is your website a pain to navigate on a phone? In 2024, over half of all web traffic comes from smartphones. A clunky mobile experience can lead to frustrated visitors bouncing (leaving) before they even explore your offerings.

2. Slow and Steady Loses the Race (Stat: 40% of visitors abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load – Kissmetrics, 2023) Speed is king! A slow website frustrates users waiting for pages to load, ultimately hurting your search engine ranking.

3. Content Cobwebs (Stat: 63% of people prioritize fresh content when choosing a website to trust – HubSpot, 2024) Is your website content outdated or nonexistent? Fresh, informative content builds trust and keeps visitors engaged.

4. Insecure Territory (Stat: 85% of consumers now expect online stores to have HTTPS encryption – GeoTrust, 2024) Security matters! An unsecured website screams “amateur” and discourages online transactions.

5. Conversion Catastrophe (Stat: Companies with well-designed websites convert an average of 2.35% of visitors into customers – Unbounce, 2024) Are website visitors slipping through your sales funnel’s cracks? A well-designed website with a clear call to action can significantly boost sales.

Don’t let your website be a sales sinkhole! Invest in a website refresh and reap the rewards of increased traffic, higher conversions, and ultimately, booming business.

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